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How to enhance the chances of a smooth recovery after Plastic Surgery?

  • By Nirav Patel
  • 14 Oct, 2019
Recovery After Plastic Surgery

Have you ever thought about why plastic surgery is called plastic surgery? Is it because plastic surgeons put plastic things in people during surgery? No, it is nothing like this. Actually, the word “plastic” is derived from the Greek term called plastikos which means to mold something.

Plastic surgery procedures are sometimes confused with reconstructive surgery, but both of them are two different things. Plastic surgery is for aesthetic purposes whereas reconstructive surgery is to correct any type of deformity in the body. For example, people who are not happy with the appearance of facial sagging can get facelift surgery to tighten the skin. People with skin cancer whose face became disfigured would be a good candidate for reconstructive surgery.

So have you made your mind to get plastic surgery done? For body contouring surgery, it is important that you chose experienced plastic surgery specialists. CI plastic surgery is a leading cosmetic surgery center in Chicago which as its branches in various parts of the USA. We have Double board certified plastic surgeon who is the winner of Multiple Patient's choices, the best plastic surgeon in Chicagoland.

Our Mayo Clinic trained Plastic surgeons to take every possible measure to minimize your risks, but to recover fast a patient also needs to take some preventive measures. If you bend the rules, you could end up bleeding or other complications that may require emergency surgery or can impact the result forever. So let us find out what are the preventive measures that a patient needs to follow to recover after the plastic surgery and get back to normal lifestyle once again.  

So what can a patient do to enhance the chances of a smooth recovery?

1. Follow your surgeon's instructions – No doubt, body plastic surgeons know how to treat the body after plastic surgery. So, follow a lifestyle that is recommended by the best plastic surgeons. Because if you ask for an exception to the rule, like exercising before recommended or taking medicines and drugs on a "don't take" list, then you may have to suffer a lot. Therefore, follow instructions strictly to make the body contouring surgery successful.

2. Before sitting for plastic surgery, there are certain things that need to be pre-planned. You should ensure arrange a hospital bed, a caretaker and pre-cooked meals in advance so that you aren't scrambling the day before surgery.

3. For outpatient surgery, make sure that someone can pick you up on time after the surgery.

4. There are body contouring procedures that require little extra attention and care. So, your plastic surgeon may ask you to have a caretaker, make arrangements in advance.

5. Be patient, healing takes time. Swelling after the plastic surgery doesn't go down right away, the scars turn to pink while they heal, and your final recovery may not be evident for weeks or even months.

6. Once you are discharged from the plastic surgery clinic, you may have some query related to the recovery procedure. Without thinking twice, make a call to our plastic surgery specialists because a simple doubt can touch on a very important issue.

It is very normal for the patients to go through emotional ups and downs during the recovery phase of their surgery. Express your all your feelings to the body plastic surgeons and staff to get proper support you.

The better informed you are before your surgery, the more likely you'll be satisfied with the results of well-done operation. Patients who are happy with their results overwhelmingly go into surgery having realistic expectations. Our Mayo Clinic trained plastic surgeon gives you the exact result as informed before the surgery.

Common Reasons for Desiring Plastic Surgery

While every patient has different reasons to go for plastic surgery, we are listing some of the most common reasons according to Cosmetic Procedure Guide:

• Genetics: If a person has inherited the genes for a crooked and pointed nose or abnormally large ears, it must have made him/her feel self-conscious. With the help of nose plastic surgery, these features can be blended in better.

• Anti-Aging: Eating healthy food and using organic skincare products are the only thing that helps you stay young. But due to an unhealthy lifestyle, you may welcome aging signs before the time. With the help of body contouring procedures such as facelift surgery, lip augmentation surgery, neck lift surgery and other facial surgery can smooth out wrinkles and neck skin sagging.

• Sun Damage: Earlier, people didn’t know much about how the sunlight damages skin as they do know. Due to harsh sun rays, many people have problems such as sagging skin, unwanted freckling, and age spots. Facelift surgery or cosmetic surgery under the guidance of top plastic surgeons in the best plastic surgery center helps you correct these problems.

• Scars: A small spot on the face can make us conscious of our looks. A small scar on the face or other visible body parts can have a devastating effect on the self-esteem of a person. You can get rid of such scars with the help of body contouring procedures like cellulite treatment, liposuction surgery, dermal fillers, laser skin resurfacing, and microdermabrasion.

• Career Advancement: Some careers that require a more youthful and attractive appearance let people consider plastic surgery as one of the best options to get the desired look.

 Irrespective of the reason for plastic surgery, you can contact us to schedule a consultation with our plastic surgeons to find out if you are a valid candidate for the desired body contouring procedure.

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If the gym just isn't cutting it for your stomach goals, consider liposuction for a flatter tummy. You'll learn about the benefits, procedure, recovery, and risks of this popular option. Let's compare liposuction to exercise so you can make the best choice for your body.


Benefits of Liposuction for Belly Fat

If you're looking to quickly reduce stubborn belly fat , liposuction surgery in Chicag o can offer efficient and lasting results. Imagine finally saying goodbye to those pesky love handles or that muffin top that just won't budge, giving you the confidence to rock that crop top or snug-fitting dress. With liposuction, you can target specific areas where fat tends to linger, sculpting your body to achieve the contours you desire. The procedure is straightforward, and recovery time is minimal, allowing you to get back to your routine in no time.

Say hello to a more defined waistline and a smoother silhouette without the endless crunches or fad diets. Liposuction could be the game-changer you've been seeking for that flat stomach you've always wanted.

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Feeling frustrated with sagging skin? Don't worry, you can tighten up with facial rejuvenation!

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Causes of Sagging Skin

If you're wondering about the causes of sagging skin , aging is a primary factor to consider. As the years pass, your skin produces less collagen and elastin, proteins crucial for maintaining its firmness and elasticity. Sun exposure also plays a significant role in speeding up this process, leading to premature sagging. Moreover, lifestyle habits like smoking and poor nutrition can contribute to the breakdown of collagen, causing your skin to lose its tautness. Dehydration, lack of proper skincare, and genetics also influence how soon and how much your skin sags. By understanding these factors, you can take steps to combat sagging skin and embrace a rejuvenated appearance.

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