Left: before, Right: after
80 y/o with facial aging and jowls
Left: before, Right: after
Left: before, Right: after
72 y/o with facial aging
Left: before, Right: after
56 y/o female with aging and “Turkey” neck
Left: before, Right: after
56 y/o female with aging and “Turkey” neck
Left: before, Right: after
72 y/o with facial aging
Left: before, Right: after
56 y/o female with aging and “Turkey” neck
Left: before, Right: after
Left: before, Right: after
55 y/o female with facial aging neck fullness and bags under eyes
Left: before, Right: after
55 y/o female with facial aging neck fullness and bags under eyes
Left: before, Right: after
45 y/o female with aging Face & Neck
Left: before, Right: after
55 y/o female with facial aging neck fullness and bags under eyes
Left: before, Right: after
Left: before, Right: after
45 y/o female with aging Face & Neck
Left: before, Right: after
47 y/o with face lift, neck lift and Fraxel laser resurfacing
Left: before, Right: after
45 y/o female with aging Face & Neck
Left: before, Right: after
47 y/o with face lift, neck lift and Fraxel laser resurfacing
Left: before, Right: after
65 y/o with “turkey waddle” & “banding” neck deformity
Left: before, Right: after
Left: before, Right: after
52 y/o with facelift, neck lift and lower blepharoplasty
Left: before, Right: after
52 y/o with facelift, neck lift and lower blepharoplasty
Left: before, Right: after
Left: before, Right: after
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