Nose plastic surgery involve altering the size and shape of the nostrils, bridge, nasal tip, etc. The goal of rhinoplasty surgery
is to harmonize the shape and proportion of a patient’s nose with the entire face.
More broadly, rhinoplasty is not only about the cosmetic procedures designed to customize the look of the nose, but also medical procedures that help in improving the function of the nose.
Prior to rhinoplasty, the best nose surgeon ensures that patient fully understands this body contouring procedure
along with its risks and benefits. While nose surgery is a safe procedure if performed by an expert rhinoplasty surgeon. At CI plastic surgery clinic, top-rated plastic surgeons use 3D imaging prior to nose surgery
to show the patient how his/her nose might look after surgery. The plastic surgeon shows print models of the patient’s nose as it looks before nose surgery alongside the expected appearance of face after surgery. However, it helps patients and the plastic surgeon better communicate about the goals of surgery. The ability to visualize the anticipated results helps patients feel better and connected about the surgery.
Why do patients choose rhinoplasty surgery?
The two surgical processes - functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty are closely linked because the form and function of the nose are intertwined. A visible asymmetry outside the nose is very likely to indicate misaligned structures inside the nose. Such irregularities can disrupt the free flow of air from nose to lungs that makes breathing more laborious task.
Functional rhinoplasty
Common problems seen in patients opting for functional rhinoplasty surgery include narrow nasal passages and a crooked line of cartilage known as the septum. Our septum may get misaligned due to its natural development or may have been pushed out of alignment due to trauma. A procedure for aligning the septum is known as septoplasty. Positioning of cartilage so that it gets fixed vertical, instead of at an angle, will help air to pass more easily through each nostril.
Another common functional problem involves allergies or sinus infections that result in enlarged turbinates. They are also called nasal conchae due to their shell-like shape that warm and humidify the air as it moves through the nasal passages of the patient. Turbinates come in three pairs - two superior, two middle and two inferior and are made of bone, blood vessels, and other tissue. If the inferior turbinates in our nose—which are the lowest and largest of the structures get swell, they can inhibit airflow on both the right and the left side of the patient’s nose.
Turbinate reduction through nose plastic surgery is done by the best rhinoplasty surgeon can resolve this problem. The body contouring procedure involves removing tissue to provide more open area that allows air to pass by.
Cosmetic rhinoplasty
Patients pursuing cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery also frequently cite asymmetry as a problem and they want to correct it. A nose that points too far to the left or right draws unwanted attention to the face, especially when all your features on the face are aligned symmetrically.
Other cosmetic issues nose surgery
can address include overly wide nostrils, a nasal tip that is either pinched or bulbous and a pronounced bump or dip on the dorsum. Men and women who simply feel that their nose is "too large" often discover that there is one particular feature that is out of proportion.
Improving a key area can make the entire nose appear better balanced with the eyes, mouth, forehead, and other features of the face—including the distance between these elements, angles with each other and more.
What should you expect during your recovery?
After nose surgery job, a patient has to take certain preventive measures to make the rhinoplasty surgery successful. No matter procedural specifics for each patient but every rhinoplasty patient should expect to wear a splint for a week once the surgery is done. This will help in positioning the nasal tissues in place to ensure that they properly get adjusted in their new alignments.
Bruising and swelling after the nose job surgery
is also to be expected that may last for about two weeks. Once the skin gets back to its typical color and the swelling goes down, the rhinoplasty surgery results will be more apparent. However, the nose job surgery can take considerable time to heal.
Is rhinoplasty right for you?
Nose surgery by the best rhinoplasty surgeon can be a life-changing procedure. Also, it's no big surprise that nose plastic surgery is consistently amongst the popular body contouring procedures performed every year. If you think rhinoplasty surgery is right for you, visit a plastic surgery clinic to find a board certified plastic surgeons
in your area.
Risks of Rhinoplasty surgery
- Bleeding
- Infection
- An adverse reaction to the anesthesia
Other possible risks specific to rhinoplasty include but are not limited to:
- Difficulty breathing through your nose
- Permanent numbness in and around your nose
- The possibility of an uneven-looking nose
- Pain, discoloration or swelling that may persist
- Scarring
- A hole in the septum (septal perforation)
CI plastic surgery is a cosmetic surgery clinic that offers the best services to the customers within an affordable price. You can visit different branches of CI plastic surgery clinic
such as Oak Brook, Orland Park, Hoffman Estate, Chicago, etc. which is nearest to you.